15% on EliReel

The month for EliReel

EliReel E-shop Special

Secure packaging for sterile goods.

EliReel rolls are the ideal packaging for the safe reprocessing of dental instruments
in the sterilizer.

The combination of paper and foil forms a reliable protective barrier.
EliReel packaging is extremely strong and tear-resistant.
EliReel are extremely durable and have excellent drying performance.
EliReel packaging provides accessible and quick information on whether the sterilized product has been reprocessed.

To simplify daily use and avoid mistakes, there is only a steam indicator. It quickly and easily shows whether products have undergone a sterilization process.
EliReel meets the highest requirements for the storage of sterile products.
Envelopes created with EliReel can be easily opened prior to treatment.

Save 15% till the end of June.

