Studie a zprávy

Field report by Dr Helder

Dr Helder, a dentist with his own practice in Nicaragua, reports on his experiences with the W&H electric motor

I used to work exclusively with turbines. After various recommendations, I have now become better acquainted with electric motors. I would like to report my experiences based on two preparations for porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns (PFM) and several root treatments. Let me get straight to the point: I am extremely impressed.

For my work, I now use the EM-E6 brushless electric motor and the Alegra WE-99 LED G contra-angle handpiece from W&H.

EM-E6 brushless electric micro motors

Working with an electric motor is very different from working with a turbine. The electric motor is more stable. In contrast to the turbine, there are no vibrations. As a result, it is possible to prepare the edges of the preparation much more precisely and quickly.

To begin with, I thought that the weight of the motor could be a problem for me. In fact, the opposite was the case. It helps me to perform preparations more precisely.

The instrument sits more securely in your hand. I personally feel that the weight of the motor and the constant speed have a positive effect on the treatment result. The instrument continues running at the same speed after making contact with the tooth, preventing the bur from rebounding.

After watching a demonstration of the electric motor at the FOCAP convention in San Salvador (October 2011), it was the wellbeing of the patient above all that was my abiding memory. Without doubt, it is very pleasant for the patient to no longer have to listen to the irritating noise of the turbines.

My suspicion was confirmed during the performance of several root treatments. The patients were very relaxed during these treatments and I was even approached by some patients to discuss the difference. Naturally, the comparatively quiet noise of the electric motor is also much more pleasant and less tiring and stressful for me, too.

The LED light integrated in the contra-angle handpiece WE-99 LED G helped my work enormously. When opening up root canals, I now no longer have to worry about the indirect lighting. Previously I had to constantly adjust the mirror. The LED light brings huge added value.

I have worked exclusively with turbines for over 18 years but I must conclude by saying that working with the electric motor from W&H has only brought me advantages. These include the wellbeing of the patients, the quality of the dental treatment and the constant speed. I am extremely satisfied and impressed.

contra-angle handpiece WE-99 LED G
