W&H | Produits dentaires pour la dentisterie
Une visite chez le dentiste par an suffit-elle si vous avez des implants ?
Cette étude souligne une fois de plus que les patients qui ne se rendent pas régulièrement aux visites de contrôle après avoir reçu leur restauration implanto-portée présentent un risque très élevé de maladies péri-implantaires en général et de péri-implantite en particulier ; sur la base de ces données, il est recommandé d'effectuer au moins deux visites de contrôle par an.
Overcoming challenges in processing zirconia and advanced ceramic materials
Ceramic materials such as zirconia are being used more and more frequently in modern restorative dentistry. However, removing zirconia restorations with conventional contra-angle handpieces is a challenging and lengthy procedure. Added to this is the high wear on the burs, especially with monolithic material. In some cases, the bur has to be changed at one-minute intervals. To address this problem, W&H has developed a new product line specifically tailored for these applications.
Case presentation: Complex Dental Prosthesis Management
The direct relationship between intraoral and general health, as well as the bidirectional influence that they may have on one another, is well-known (1,2). It is absolutely essential to consider both factors when planning preventive intraoral measures and treatment in the dental practice. The primary objective is the maintenance of patient health and quality of life from both dental and medical perspectives.