
Best-of tips for your “green” journey

Over the past few months, we have gathered many ideas and tips for dentists to get actively involved in the global sustainability movement. The collective goal: save our planet for ourselves and many generations to come. As a manufacturer of dental products, we are with you and will continue our efforts as well. Here is a list summarising what you can do within your dental clinic to become part of the change.

Best-of tips for your “green” journey


  • Get your whole team on board with your sustainability mission.
  • Join an initiative for green dentistry for additional motivation and support.
  • Provide your team with reading material such as articles on sustainable dentistry, or even offer additional training by visiting workshops as a complete team.
  • Regularly evaluate your progress and discuss it with your team.
  • Support environmental projects.
  • Consider providing employees with public transport tickets for their journey to and from work.


  • Let your patients know what measures you are already taking, e.g., on your website.
  • Educate patients, e.g., by placing brochures in the waiting room containing green tips.
  • Put up signs in the washroom reminding people to turn the faucet off when brushing their teeth or washing their hands.
  • Ask your patients to bring their own toothbrush and cup. If they do not, provide them with a new one made from ecofriendly materials.

Office and organisation

  • Digitise patient appointment management and your invoicing system.
  • Reduce your energy consumption by paying attention to efficiency (devices and equipment) and increase your percentage of renewable energy (e.g., with your own PV plant on the roof?).
  • Optimise your material management.
  • Switch to digital x-rays and dental impressions.
  • Collaborate with regional suppliers and distributors to minimise transportation routes.
  • Central procurement management avoids unnecessary packaging or trips.
  • Display sustainability certificates and celebrate each goal you have reached.

Products, materials, and devices

  • Find a brand you can trust and invest in high-quality products.
  • Go with state-of-the-art technology.
  • Repair rather than replace.
  • Reduce waste by going digital and paying attention to reusable materials. Otherwise, recycle diligently – the “big five” are: plastic, paper, aluminium, glass, and steel.
  • Look into biocompatible denture materials.
  • Avoid amalgam, if possible.
  • Avoid polishing paste containing microplastics.

Download a checklist to refer to in your dental office.

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