ピエゾエンド用チップ (Reports & Studies)

User report on LisaSafe and LisaWare

Dr Josh Pond who operates the “All about Teeth” dental surgery in Townsville

Dr Josh Pond who operates the “All about Teeth” dental surgery in Townsville, Australia, gives his comments on the use of the W&H LisaSafe label printer and the LisaWare software in conjunction with the Lisa 500 autoclave to link instrument tracking with his paperless patient records.

Dr Pond wanted the ability to incorporate instrument tracking into his practice management software. The solution was provided by a W&H Lisa 500 autoclave together with the ‘LisaWare’ software, which is directly linked to the autoclave so that the full cycle details are automatically stored on the attached PC at the conclusion of each cycle, and a ‘LisaSafe’ automated barcode label printer, which produces barcode labels for each pouch of sterilized dental products at the completion of each successful cycle in the Lisa sterilizer.

In this way, each procedure on every patient can be traced back, using the barcode number on the pouch and matching it with the corresponding cycle record in the LisaWare program.

Dr Pond said he wanted to implement the instrument tracking system to stay ahead of the ADA’s (Australian Dental Association) infection control guidelines. “Although instrument tracking is currently regarded as a should-do rather than a must-do, I think that will probably change in the future,” Dr Pond said. “I also want to be able to demonstrate to patients that our instruments are safe and to allay any concerns about possible infections as a result of dental treatments.”

“Because the tracking is paperless and only requires a barcode scanner to import the sterilizer batch tracking number from the pouch label into the patient notes, it is now part of our routine patient management procedures.”

Lisa Autoklav
Lisa Autoklav
