ピエゾエンド用チップ (Reports & Studies)

Prozone - Tested for you

Dr. Paul AZOULAY, France

Change over to ozone!
This ozone generator can be used in the treatment of infection and inflammation in the areas of endodontics, periodontics, implantology and cavity treatment.
The air is drawn into the device by a special pump and then forced through a filter which dehydrates and purifies it. The clean air then enters the generator. It starts working immediately which means that treatment times are reduced.

Ozone (a condensed form of oxygen) is produced by exposing the surrounding air to a powerful electric current. It is then administered directly to destroy any bacteria and viruses through oxidation. The device is programmed to produce only very small quantities. Moreover, it is possible to vary the period of application (6, 8, 12 and 24 seconds). Once it has been applied to the tissues requiring treatment, the ozone gradually reverts back to its original molecular form of oxygen. There are different disposable inserts available for different applications.

Effective treatment requires only a minimal amount of ozone administered for the preset application times. Four specially adapted programs are provided. A unique patented system constantly regulates the dosage in order to ensure that the minimum dosage necessary is not exceeded.


  • The ozone starts working immediately.
  • The ozone can easily reach the areas for disinfection which reduces the risk of repeat infection.
  • The dosage is precisely regulated.
  • Overdosing is impossible.

A different disposable insert for each application. Prozone is highly effective in the prevention of infection and inflammation.

Dr. Christian DELAUNOY, Frankreich (59)

A well adapted and very fine needle tip.
I have been using Prozone for six months. I became interested in the product in 2007 and was particularly taken with its antibacterial function and long-lasting effects. I use this device in several areas of my day-to-day work: in my endodontic work, I use the well adapted and very fine needle tip to disinfect teeth presenting periapical infections prior to root canal filling; I also use it on teeth where I am resuming treatment and on dentures prior to sealing the inlay cores. In my implantology work, I use it on the sutures when inserting the healing screw and before screwing the abutment into the implant well. I can’t imagine being without it now.

In terms of periodontal work, using a fine tip, I am able to disinfect pockets with lasting results over time. The device is very effective on aphtas and provides immediate results. My tests on perleches have also proven successful. In my restorative dental work, I insert the well adapted tip into the bottom of the cavity before performing fillings. Care must be taken to ensure that the patient does not inhale too much ozone as it irritates the airways, particularly in children! One criticism of the manufacturer is the lack of guidance and the “minimal” instruction leaflet. The main advantage of this device is that it makes your work more relaxing.

I give it 8.5 / 10

Dr. Gérard GOMIS, France (06)

The fixing for the flexible hose requires improvement.
In my opinion, many periapical lesions can generally be treated successfully with time and the correct technology. Using this product for instance, I am able to disinfect a number of roots whose canals have been rendered impermeable by calcification and which present many periapical lesions. The product is simple and ergonomic. However the fixing on the handpiece for the flexible hose requires some improvement, as it may break off in the long term.

I also use the device when resuming incomplete root canal treatments. I therefore primarily use it in my endodontic work. 20 or so years ago I completed a placement with a dentist who had an ozone production unit. I can confirm that teeth in a desperate state which were treated at this time using his ozone dispensing device are still in place. Currently, I use the Prozone for 24 seconds per canal at the same time as hypochlorite irrigation using powerful surgical suction and a large cannula. The device then performs an air flush for around 10 seconds. Following this, I insert my sterilized paper points and fill, as per Schilder, with condensed gutta-percha.

I give it 8 / 10

Dr. Jean-Christophe PEDRON, France (44)

Very rapid healing.
At the moment, I primarily use this device in my endodontic and periodontal work. In endodontics, I use it whenever a tooth presents a periapical lesion or whenever I am resuming treatment; and in periodontics, I always use it immediately on patients with irritated and bleeding gums. I can confirm that by the following visit the bleeding has stopped. I am convinced that ozone’s antibacterial action means that pockets heal much more rapidly.

This success has led me to use ozone immediately following extraction and I am curious to see if the wounds will heal much more rapidly as a result. The device is very practical; you simply have to select the pre-programmed time setting for the application required. The tips are simple to change. I have not yet had time to work out the cost of changing the tips after each use, as required. To start the procedure, I place the pedal on top of my work station and press down on it using my elbow. I think that all users would prefer it if this pedal were replaced by a manual control. The timeout and start functions could even be combined – that would be ideal!

I give it 9 / 10
