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We are W&H

For more than a century on the market, we at W&H have been pioneers in medical technology, combining tradition with innovation. An international family-run medical technology company with headquarters and production site in Bürmoos, Salzburg. Together we work on the manufacturing of high-tech products and innovations for medical applications in the dental, medical and veterinary fields.

As multifaceted as our areas at W&H are, as clear is our mission: to put people and their health at the centre. Together we work on progress and breakthroughs. Around 1,300 employees worldwide are the driving force behind our successes. We particularly value about our colleagues, employees and partners: reliability, performance orientation & humour. Who we are, what we are passionate about and what opportunities we offer you - that is what defines us, our essence, our conviction. The strategy we pursue? We enjoy providing sustainable health solutions. For us, our future and with dedication.

  • "I want W&H to be a healthy employer: profitable, social, sustainable and family-owned."
    Peter Malata
    President, Owner & CEO W&H Group
  • “The solidarity across geographical borders and the interdisciplinary cooperation between the various application areas ...”
    Malin Gustavsson
    CEO Osstell a W&H company
  • “It is extremely important to me that in North America all new W&H team members come into the organization feeling fully supported. ..."
    Rick Pinero
    General Manager Business Unit Dental Equipment, W&H North America / Impex
  • “Medical technology is an incredibly exciting field, as it is versatile on the one hand and very complex in structure on the other. ..."
    Nicole Pelz
    Head of Marketservice, W&H Headquaters
  • “What I especially appreciate about the W&H Group is the approach which we incorporate into our daily work..."
    Angelo Bonzi
    Sales Director EMEA W&H Group

    • "I want W&H to be a healthy employer: profitable, social, sustainable and family-owned."
      Peter Malata
      President, Owner & CEO W&H Group
    • “The solidarity across geographical borders and the interdisciplinary cooperation between the various application areas ...”
      Malin Gustavsson
      CEO Osstell a W&H company
    • “It is extremely important to me that in North America all new W&H team members come into the organization feeling fully supported. ..."
      Rick Pinero
      General Manager Business Unit Dental Equipment, W&H North America / Impex
    • “Medical technology is an incredibly exciting field, as it is versatile on the one hand and very complex in structure on the other. ..."
      Nicole Pelz
      Head of Marketservice, W&H Headquaters
    • “What I especially appreciate about the W&H Group is the approach which we incorporate into our daily work..."
      Angelo Bonzi
      Sales Director EMEA W&H Group

      • "I want W&H to be a healthy employer: profitable, social, sustainable and family-owned."
        Peter Malata
        President, Owner & CEO W&H Group
      • “The solidarity across geographical borders and the interdisciplinary cooperation between the various application areas ...”
        Malin Gustavsson
        CEO Osstell a W&H company
      • “It is extremely important to me that in North America all new W&H team members come into the organization feeling fully supported. ..."
        Rick Pinero
        General Manager Business Unit Dental Equipment, W&H North America / Impex
      • “Medical technology is an incredibly exciting field, as it is versatile on the one hand and very complex in structure on the other. ..."
        Nicole Pelz
        Head of Marketservice, W&H Headquaters
      • “What I especially appreciate about the W&H Group is the approach which we incorporate into our daily work..."
        Angelo Bonzi
        Sales Director EMEA W&H Group

        • "I want W&H to be a healthy employer: profitable, social, sustainable and family-owned."
          Peter Malata
          President, Owner & CEO W&H Group
        • “The solidarity across geographical borders and the interdisciplinary cooperation between the various application areas ...”
          Malin Gustavsson
          CEO Osstell a W&H company
        • “It is extremely important to me that in North America all new W&H team members come into the organization feeling fully supported. ..."
          Rick Pinero
          General Manager Business Unit Dental Equipment, W&H North America / Impex
        • “Medical technology is an incredibly exciting field, as it is versatile on the one hand and very complex in structure on the other. ..."
          Nicole Pelz
          Head of Marketservice, W&H Headquaters
        • “What I especially appreciate about the W&H Group is the approach which we incorporate into our daily work..."
          Angelo Bonzi
          Sales Director EMEA W&H Group

          • "I want W&H to be a healthy employer: profitable, social, sustainable and family-owned."
            Peter Malata
            President, Owner & CEO W&H Group
          • “The solidarity across geographical borders and the interdisciplinary cooperation between the various application areas as well as the diverse product specialisations is what makes up the essence of the W&H Group for me. Co-operation within the workforce but also in relation to our partners is at the forefront at W&H.”
            Malin Gustavsson
            CEO Osstell a W&H company
          • “It is extremely important to me that in North America all new W&H team members come into the organization feeling fully supported. This means we provide the proper training tools and peer to peer support creating a positive initial on boarding and runway for continued growth and success throughout their career.”
            Rick Pinero
            General Manager Business Unit Dental Equipment, W&H North America / Impex
          • “Medical technology is an incredibly exciting field, as it is versatile on the one hand and very complex in structure on the other. So it never gets boring. How the different markets interact or where they develop and when is what makes working at W&H and in my particular area so interesting.”
            Nicole Pelz
            Head of Marketservice, W&H Headquaters
          • “What I especially appreciate about the W&H Group is the approach which we incorporate into our daily work. This means that we don't forget to enjoy what we do and really embrace it. In development, research, production and sales. Because the customer can feel it - the commitment and conviction we have behind our solutions we offer.”
            Angelo Bonzi
            Sales Director EMEA W&H Group

            • "I want W&H to be a healthy employer: profitable, social, sustainable and family-owned."
              Peter Malata
              President, Owner & CEO W&H Group
            • “The solidarity across geographical borders and the interdisciplinary cooperation between the various application areas as well as the diverse product specialisations is what makes up the essence of the W&H Group for me. Co-operation within the workforce but also in relation to our partners is at the forefront at W&H.”
              Malin Gustavsson
              CEO Osstell a W&H company
            • “In North America we provide the proper training tools and peer to peer support creating a positive initial on boarding and runway for continued growth and success throughout their career.”
              Rick Pinero
              General Manager Business Unit Dental Equipment, W&H North America / Impex

              • “It is extremely important to me that in North America all new W&H team members come into the organization feeling fully supported. This means we provide the proper training tools and peer to peer support creating a positive initial on boarding and runway for continued growth and success throughout their career.”
                Rick Pinero
                General Manager Business Unit Dental Equipment, W&H North America / Impex
              • “Medical technology is an incredibly exciting field, as it is versatile on the one hand and very complex in structure on the other. So it never gets boring. How the different markets interact or where they develop and when is what makes working at W&H and in my particular area so interesting.”
                Nicole Pelz
                Head of Marketservice, W&H Headquaters
              • “What I especially appreciate about the W&H Group is the approach which we incorporate into our daily work. This means that we don't forget to enjoy what we do and really embrace it. In development, research, production and sales. Because the customer can feel it - the commitment and conviction we have behind our solutions we offer.”
                Angelo Bonzi
                Sales Director EMEA W&H Group

                W&H in figures
                1,300 Employees
                4 production sites
                18 sales locations
                founded in 1890

                W&H in figures
                1 Medical technology company
                1,300 Employees
                4 production sites
                18 sales locations
                founded in 1890

                Join our international team?

                Interested in W&H and your opportunity at our headquarters? Click here and take a look at our German page for open positions. This could be the start of your W&H career in an international company.